Frequently asked questions

What is LearnSlice?

LearnSlice is an online platform for learners and lecturers (a learning management system - LMS) that facilitates self-preparation for exams with the help of quizzes related to a study program.

For whom was this platform created?

It was created for learners (students and scholars) and lecturers (professors and teachers).

How do I get started?

As soon as licences have been purchased by a university or a school, LearnSlice team sets up a dedicated private closed space for the students/ scholars of this university/ school. All content created within this scape is available only for this university or school.

Is LearnSlice DGPR-Compliant?

Yes, LearnSlice is developed and hosted in Germany. Users' data and website content are stored on servers in Germany, encrypted, and securely protected.

What can students and scholars do on LearnSlice?

Students or scholars can create quizzes based on the study program, share them with other classmates, and play them to prepare for the exams/ tests. They can review and analyse their learning performance on the analytics dashboard. Students and scholars can also receive Karma points if their quiz is liked by another student/scholar or verified by a lecturer/teacher. Based on collected karma points they can participate in the leadership board for best creators.

What can lecturers, professors, or teachers do on LearnSlice platform?

Lecturers and professors can review and verify quizzes, and send feedback to a quiz author so that learners can adjust created quizzes and improve knowledge. Lecturers can also navigate learners to the right study material, and share useful links.

What are Karma Points?

Karma points are points that a user receives from other users of LearnSlice platform as a reward for great quiz quality.

How do I receive Karma Points?

If another student/scholar or a lecturer liked your quiz, you get one (1) Karma Point. If your quiz is verified by a lecturer you get five (5) Karma Points. Your quiz can be verified by a lecturer only once. Also, a quiz can get a like from the same user only once.

How can I use LearnSlice platform being a student?

Students/scholars cannot use the platform individually. It is the platform for a group of students/ scholars. To access the LearnSlice platform your university or school must get a LearnSlice license.

What type of quizzes can be created?

At the moment, there are 2 types of quizzes: open-ended and multichoice quizzes.

What is an open-ended quiz?

An open-ended quiz is a quiz consisting of open-ended questions only. Student responses to open-ended questions can be provided as an open text so that they can express their full feelings, knowledge, and understanding. In other words, there are no predetermined answers to this question. While creating a quiz you can write a comment on the correct answer(s) so that other students understand the right answer. The comment will be shown after a student submitted the answer.

What is a multichoice quiz?

A multichoice quiz is a quiz consisting of multichoice questions only. In multiple-choice questions, there is a stem, question, or problem, followed by a list of possible responses, also called options or alternatives. While creating a quiz you can write a comment on the correct answer(s) so that other students understand the right answer. The comment will be shown after a student submitted the answer.

How can I purchase a license?

To purchase a license as a university or school please get in touch with us via email at, via mobile at +4915783914112, or via contact form

I have a question, concern, or feedback. Who can I contact?

You can contact us via Whatsapp/ Telegram at +4915783914112, via the contact form at, or via email at

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