The LearnSlice Team

The Team that made us successful



Alesia Kunts

Inquisitive ideator - I love learning. I believe I never stopped learning as I cannot live without it. We decided to make the learning process digital, efficient, and entertaining. Thus, we used our skills to create something great and share it with others - LearnSlice.


Technical support

Zachar Maximov

Captain full-stack developer - Making the learning process useful and interesting at the same time is a goal that might become challenging. And it is also a good way for self-improvement.


UI/UX Design

Gerrit Halfmann

Enthusiastic visual creator - With more than 10 years of experience, I am always looking for exciting challenges for my professional career. Designing a future-oriented, complex and at the same time easy-to-understand platform fits right in. LearnSlice combines the ability to learn competently and purposefully with a healthy dose of playful interactivity.



Isabell Golde

Professional word crafter - During my career, I worked as a journalist, a consultant, a content manager, and a copywriter. I love when you make complicated issues easy and fun to understand. That's why I couldn't say no to being part of LearnSlice – because this makes learning fun!

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